Kevin's Method
- If the alphabet is significantly different, then learn it first. If only a couple characters a different (such as English to Turkish), then you can probably learn as you go. Check pronounciation guides to get a sense of how each letter sounds, but don't worry about getting it perfect; at this step you just want to make sure you can sound out loud what you read and be able to vaguely picture the letters when words are spoken - we need this in order to mentally tie together our auditory, oral and writing capabilities in order to learn faster.
A0 - A2
- Get the basics of the language down with easy on-ramp apps such as Duolingo, Babbel or Rosetta Stone.
- Your limiting factor at these stages will be coherently putting together basic sentences, and understanding the structure of everyday grammar. Knowing how to say 20 types of animals will not help you to ask how somebody is doing.
B1 - B2
This is where Unutma really shines. You've entered an awkward middle-ground between having some automatic intuition about grammar, have a foundation of vocabulary from your early A0-A2 days and suddenly your biggest limiting factor is that there are THOUSANDS of commonly used words which you have not been exposed to yet. The closer you get to C1, the less that you should rely on Unutma, and the more that you should be learning through immersion (books, radio, tv, movies, speaking with natives). Some heroic learners jump straight into reading and looking up every word that they don't know which at the beginning is basically all of them. I've found the progression to be much smoother by learning the 2,500 to 10,000 words I haven't learned yet with Unutma, before being able to sit down and enjoy literature at a respectable pace.
- On-ramps run out of road for some languages (e.g. short or underdeveloped duolingo trees) or your course still has material worth teaching you, but you're looking for ways to supercharge your progress to speak fluently.
- Unutma for learning and retaining new foreign language vocabulary.
- Our vocabulary is based on published word frequency lists so you can make sure to spend your time building your vocabulary base in the most efficient manner possible.
- Review times are on a Spaced Repition schedule, which has been shown in countless studies to be 3x or more effective than traditional vocabulary learning techniques.
- Patterns in retaining certain words can be identified and corrected at the root cause. Sometimes there are words that are so similar that it's difficult to learn them at the same time. Other times it could be certain spelling rules which haven't been learned yet. Other apps just see words that have failed multiple times, but we aim to identify & fix the root cause.
- Focused exercises for critical grammar in your target language - for example vowel harmony exercises for Turkish, declension for German, gender identification for Russian, etc.
- Gamification to give a phychological boost to your study consistency.
- AI/ChatGPT powered learning assistant
- and more
By this point, you can speak your target language totally fluently and will easily learn new vocabulary, fine details of grammar, rule exceptions, etc. without help from any apps. Time to start the cycle again with a new language :)